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Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Calm Before the Storm

With all of the spring-like weather we have been having lately I was getting anxious to get out and cast a few flies. Saturday was my first opportunity to do so and with the narrow weather window of opportunity, it did not dissapoint. The morning was a little iffy with thick fog and a little rain but by the time I reached my destination the cloud ceiling had risen along with the temperature.

The hike along the creek proved to be quite challenging - the snow up past my knees had me wishing I had snow shoes at times, but I knew they would just slow me down even more in the dense tangle of  willows. Regardless, slow and slinky was the way to go to avoid spooking the quarry (although crawling up to any fishy looking water proved to be an interesting proposition).

Winter stoneflies (Utacapnia trava) have started to hatch and many adults could be seen crawling on the snow. During inclement weather, and at night,  they will take refuge in the thin layer of relatively warmer air under the snowpack.

Utacapnia trava (adult teneral female)
The weather window slamed shut on the drive home and I was glad that I left the stream a little early to avoid the worst of it. Overall the day was most enjoyable - a good workout, lots of fresh air, and half a dozen nice brown trout.

Not a bad start to the 2013 season.


  1. So you got your stonefly shot, and some trout as a bonus!

    1. Good thing I got out when I did - It looks like it may be a while before we see any more bug action.
