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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Glossosoma and North Ram River Update

It was back to the North Ram River this past weekend. Since I only had Saturday free I chose to spend it on one of the lower reaches. To expedite access, and add a little challenge/adventure to the trip, I relied on pedal power to get me to my destination. The trail was a little rougher than usual (probably the worst I have seen it over the years) - it seems the ATV crowd, in their quest to avoid the very trail damage they cause, have expanded the mud holes to mammoth proportions and are chewing up a maze of ancillary trails - none of which are conducive to walking or biking.

I went in armed with a few simple #18 naked caddis larva and pupa to immitate the Glossosoma caddisflies that were so prevelant a few weeks back. The theory was that even if the hatch had already occured, the trout would still have a strong search immage of the larva or pupa, and respond accordingly.

The lower reach I was on did not seem to have as many Glossosoma larva attached to the rocks as the upper stretch I fished two weeks ago. I am not sure if this was due to the hatch having already occured, or simply less larvae in the lower reach. Regardless, I alternated between the larva and pupa all morning; finding the larva pattern to be very effective.

The day was bright and sunny until about 2:00pm - late afternoon saw a few rain squalls blow through. The resulting Mayfly hatch made for some fast and furious action on small gray Baetis emerger patterns. It was a spectacular way to close out the day.

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