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Friday, July 27, 2012

You don't get out much, do you?

That seems to be the question I have been asking myself lately. Not that I have been keeping track, but it has been seven weeks, two days, and four hours since I last did any serious fly fishing (actually, I don't really know how long its been - but that seems like a reasonable estimate). Clearly one of the strangest years on record; I can't remember a summer this devoid of angling action in over thirtyfive years.

I wouldn't say the summer has been a dissapointment thus far. Just....different. I have been out camping a few times, and have even managed to dabble a line here and there, but my activities have not afforded me the opportunity to pursue the main purpose of my blog. That being to provide timely information on insect hatches, flys, and flyfishing in Alberta. I guess this is just one of those summers where other things take prioroty.

I do enjoy identifying, documenting and photographing any hatches I see in my travels - I find it to be a natural addition to my flyfishing experience. I also enjoy sharing my experiences with others - not to sell something, or bolster my ego, but to simply point out aspects of the bug world that generally go unnoticed; things that often lead to those ah-ha moments that increase our overall enjoyment and facination with the sport.

So if things are a little sparse on my blog for awhile, bear with me - things will pick up again as my life returns to normal (whatever that is).

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