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Thursday, March 30, 2017


Reflections on the 2016 trout season...

Thursday, March 23, 2017


For aquatic insects that emerge in the surface film the partly shed cuticle (shuck) becomes an important consideration in fly design. As the adult works its way out of the cuticle the trailing shuck takes on a semitransparent, translucent look. When viewed from below, sunlight reflects and refracts off the thin shed cuticle and associated air bubbles, giving the trailing shuck a slightly glittery appearance. 

When tying emerger patterns the best way to imitate the trailing shuck is to tie in a tail of sparkly material. A few of strands of Krystal Flash or Antron yarn will usually do the trick. But remember to keep the tail sparse - it's easy to over do it.

Shed cuticles from Midge pupae (Chironomidae) viewed from above.

Shed cuticles from Midge pupae (Chironomidae) viewed from below. Note the air bubbles within each shuck.

Shed BWO cuticle (Baetis) viewed from below.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Choosing the Right Fly Color

One thing to consider when tying nymph patterns is that many aquatic bugs will tend to match the predominant color of the substrate they inhabit. The nymphs of any one species can vary in color from stream to stream, and in some cases from one section of a stream to another - but usually within a range of colors that are characteristic for that species. Green Drake (Drunella) nymphs for example can range from mottled brown to olive-green. If most of the rocks are mottled shades of brown, the nymphs will tend towards the brown end of the spectrum. If the stream bottom is covered in a layer of dark algae, or darker colored rocks are more common, shades of olive or olive-brown will dominate. Something to consider next time you are choosing a fly color.

Camouflage is key when trying to avoid being eaten (Drunella grandis nymph)