I know this is old hat for many Alberta fly anglers but I finally made the pilgrimage this summer to catch what is likely the most beautiful trout in the province - Golden Trout. This was something I had thought about doing many times over the years, and after considering that if I didn't go now, I might never go, I was motivated enough to take on the challenge - and I am glad I did.
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Rainy Ridge Lake (the calm after the storm) |
I always thought that Michelle Lake near Nordegg would be my most likely destination, but the thought of taking the time to backpack into a remote lake only to have other anglers fly in by helicopter did not appeal to my sense of adventure, so I opted for Rainy Ridge Lake in southern Alberta. Little did I know that I would be solo backpacking into the worst weather we would see all summer - mid-July temperatures plunged to just above freezing in the mountains, with sustained winds at 60 kph and gusting to over 90 (the rain and sleet were literally coming in sideways) - nearly impossible to build a fire. I did enjoy the challenge, but at times I was in near survival mode wearing every stitch of clothing I brought in. Good thing I brought a toque!
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A Rainy Ridge Lake Golden Trout |
I did manage to catch a few fish between wind gusts at the more sheltered end of the lake, but once the weather cleared (on the last day) everything fell into place. A caddis hatch set things up for some exceptional dry fly action. Overall it was a great 5 day backpacking trip with several dozen gorgeous trout landed - for me, the highlight of 2014.
All the Best to everyone in 2015!